

Good morning! I’m starting to think the earlier I get into the studio in the morning, the better. Isn’t it a great way to start the day on the right foot?

I finished a second accordian book this morning. This one has the same type pages inside, so you can look at yesterday’s post if you’d like to see how the book opens. I’m having a hard time keeping the rusted key attached to the cover! So far, I tried glue dots, then double sided tape, next was soft gel medium, and finally it has E6000. It’s drying at the moment, so I’m not sure if this last attempt will be a success or not. I wonder if the adhesion problem is because of the rust…..  Any suggestions?

I’m looking forward to it being completely dry so I can wrap it up and send it off to my friend. As much as I love the process of making something, it feels even better to see it go to a home where someone will enjoy it!

Have a wonderfully creative day!

About ConnieArtz

'Always leave people better than you found them. Hug the hurt. Kiss the broken. Befriend the lost. Love the broken.'
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3 Responses to Daydreams

  1. Linda C says:

    If it doesn’t stick (or even if it does!) it would look very cool adhered with wire wrapped around it, rusty wire would look awesome!

  2. Coleen says:

    Very nice Connie. I was going to suggest E6000. It works well, but if it doesn’t try some steel wool on the back side and do the E6ooo again.

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